The Migrant and refugee way of the cross
A version of the traditional Stations of the Cross that was inaugurated as a Roman Catholic devotion by Pope John Paul II on Good Friday 1991.

Thereafter, John Paul II performed the scriptural version many times at the Coliseum in Rome on Good Fridays throughout his time as Pope.
The scriptural version was not intended to invalidate the traditional version, rather it was meant to add scriptural nuance to an understanding of the Passion.
The list of readings for each station was used as the biblical basis for this version of the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross).
The original Via Crucis was more than just a geographic route through the City of Jerusalem or through the sanctuaries of cathedrals or churches.

It was a means to never forget.
Today’s migration through the deserts and many other places in our world that refugees and migrants travel is not just the story of one person multiplied by millions over more than two decades. It is the story of one body in constant motion on one of the world’s many Vía Crucis. It is an ongoing journey of our brothers and sisters. It is a body in search of the sacred land called hope.
(Introduction from 2021 Via Crucis from the Sonoran Desert.)
Pray with us and remember.